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Reading books: solution to many problems

We everyone must study textbooks, despite the fact that many of us do not have the desire to read books. We can all agree that reading is a joy, but how much pleasure does each book provide us? Because the main thing we should take away from reading a book is "joy," And, I don't think anyone gets that joy from being forced to read a textbook. On the contrary, many of those who read novels or essay books outside of textbooks are termed as 'inattentive' in studies. Again, many bookworms see reading books and ask, "What is the benefit of reading these books?" Then many of us cannot give a proper answer, because many people read books only for pleasure. In that instance, it is known that if this response is offered, the asker will laugh it off. Again, this is a frequent occurrence, but it begs the question: Exactly what are the advantages of reading books? Or, what are the advantages of reading literature appropriately? You should have a better understanding of it after reading this article.

Improves your brain

A 2015 study used MRI images to demonstrate how reading activates incredibly complex neural networks and impulses in the brain. And it gets stronger the more you read of the book. Another study from 2013 examined the impact of reading a novel on the brain using functional MRI scans. 'Pompeii' was made available to research participants 21 for nine days. Various brain regions get hyperactive as the thrill from reading that book grows. The study found that after 9 days of book reading, participants' brain connectivity increased, particularly in the somatosensory cortex, the area responsible for responding to physical sensations.

Increases your empathy

Studies have shown that people who read a variety of novels, especially those whose characters explore the inner life, have better situational awareness than others. Researchers call it 'Theory of Mind'. It is essential to maintain a person's social bonds and well-being.

Although reading only one book a year will not develop any of these things in someone, but if someone reads books regularly, then he will definitely have a more developed mind than others.

Enriches your vocabulary

In 1960, a group of researchers discussed a topic called 'The Mathew Effect'. It basically is based on a text from the Bible. The adage "the poor are getting poorer and the wealth of the rich is increasing" is derived from this passage. This saying is true for both money and a man's vocabulary.

According to a research titled "Matthew effects in young readers: Reading comprehension and experience aid vocabulary development," the younger a pupil starts reading books, the more varied and extensive his vocabulary would become. And a student's rich vocabulary helps him a lot in both student life and career. According to a 2019 survey by Cengage, 69% of employers prefer applicants who are well-spoken and well-mannered. And as we all know, nothing is more effective than reading books to acquire these skills.

Prevention of age-related neurological problems

The US National Institute on Aging suggests that regular reading can help prevent a person from developing neurological problems in old age. However, research does not directly claim that regular book reading prevents neurological diseases (Alzheimer's, dementia, etc.). However, it has been found that those who regularly read books and practice complex mathematical problems have better nerves than others.

But in this case, the earlier a person develops this habit in his life, the more effective it will be for him. A 2013 study conducted by the Russ University Medical Center found that people who are more active in mentally stimulating activities are less likely to develop tumors or cysts in their brains than people with dementia.


Reduces stress

A 2009 experiment looked at the effects of yoga, humor and reading on stress in some students. The experiment revealed that 30 minutes of book reading proved to be as effective as yoga and humor in keeping blood pressure, heart rate etc. normal. A researcher involved in this experiment said,

Since time constraints are one of health science students' reported causes of stress, incorporating any of these methods into their daily activities for 30 minutes will not waste their study time.

Helps in getting enough sleep

Reading is a very effective way to get enough sleep at night, suggests the Mayo Clinic. However, in this case, it is necessary to pay attention to several aspects. For example, if you usually read books in PDF format, then you should read the book through an e-book reader. Because, if you read a book through a Smartphone at night, then the blue-light of the mobile will disturb your sleep. However, even if you read paper books, you should not read while sitting in bed. Go somewhere else and read a book, when you feel sleepy, go to bed and sleep.

Helps relieve symptoms of depression

In most cases, people suffering from depression feel different and isolated from others. These bad feelings can be reduced by reading books.

Reading literature helps you temporarily escape from the depressing real life, and allows you to experience the lives of fictional characters. Also, non-fiction (literature based on factual information) helps in self-improvement and learning to overcome depression in one's life.

And that's why the UK's National Health Service has undertaken a project called 'Reading Well', where mental health experts consider the mental state of different people and advise them to read effective books to overcome that problem. Because, one of the benefits of reading books is to reduce depression.

Helps in obtaining longevity

A 12-year study of 3,635 adults found that people who read books lived 2 years longer than those who didn't.

In this 21st century, due to the technological revolution, it can be said that the habit of reading books has almost disappeared among many people. However, those who read books must admit that there is no better and purer pleasure than reading books. As entertainment can be taken by reading books, knowledge can also be acquired. That is why, those who have not yet developed the habit of reading books, all of them should develop this beautiful habit.

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