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5 foods that smokers' lungs will be clean!

Lung is an important organ of human body. Oxygen reaches the body with the help of this organ. And with the help of this organ, oxygen is mixed in the blood.

On the other hand, lungs remove harmful carbon dioxide from the body. This important work is done by the lungs continuously. Different important organs of the body get rest but lungs do not.

However, due to lifestyle or some wrong habits, lung problems are created. Currently, the number of people suffering from various lung diseases is increasing all over the world. One of the reasons for this is smoking, secondhand smoke and air pollution.

In these cases dirt accumulates in the lungs. As a result, along with breathing problems, COPD or asthma problems increase. In addition, there is a cold and cough. Various studies say that if toxins reach the lungs on a regular basis, it can lead to cancer.

Rakhi Chattopadhyay, a prominent nutritionist at Narayana Hospital in India, said that smoking must be avoided to keep the lungs clean.

Along with this, the diet should include some foods that act as natural lung cleansers. Know about 5 such foods-

1. It is important to keep vegetables regularly in the diet. Different types of vegetables contain antioxidants. It has also been shown that the flavonoids in greens can prevent lung cell problems.

2. According to this nutritionist, there is no alternative to red vegetables for healthy lungs. In this case, you can keep beetroot, sweet potato, tomato or carrot. Such vegetables have antioxidants and beta carotene.

Which is beneficial for lungs. Various studies have shown that this antioxidant reduces the pressure on the lungs.

3. Turmeric is also very good for good lungs. The nutrients in it make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. It has been seen that regular consumption of turmeric can solve many problems in many cases.

Curcumin in turmeric is a special type of antioxidant. Which keeps the lungs healthy along with the care of the vital organs of the whole body.

4. Garlic and ginger are used to enhance the taste of food. But you will be surprised to know that these two herbal ingredients are not only used as spices but also take care of overall health including lungs. These ingredients are also rich in antioxidants. Which helps to keep the body healthy.

5. Everyone is more or less aware of the health benefits of green tea. Green tea is a natural ingredient that is great for reducing excess weight and removing toxins from the body.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which keep the lungs healthy. In this case, this drink prevents mucus or phlegm from forming in the lungs. It has also been found that green tea is very beneficial for COPD patients.

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